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Plus d'un million d'utilisateurs pour Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Le , par Marc Lussac


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Microsoft Dynamics CRM Passes 1 Million User Mark and Expands xRM Initiative Global offerings for CRM and xRM drive value to customers and opportunities for partners.

NEW ORLEANS — July 13, 2009 — Today at Worldwide Partner Conference 2009, Microsoft Corp. announced that it has passed the 1 million user mark for Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Customers and partners worldwide are taking advantage of the power of choice, and deploying fast, flexible and affordable CRM and xRM solutions across on-premise, partner-hosted and CRM Online deployment models.

In addition, Microsoft Corp. today unveiled new sales and marketing programs for xRM, the new development platform for building sophisticated relationship-tracking applications. With new platform licensing options and close alignment with Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft SharePoint technologies and other Microsoft solutions, organizations can now leverage xRM to create mission-critical applications that run on-premise or on-demand, reducing application development time and cost.

“Our fast path to more than 1 million users illustrates our strong market momentum, and shows how our CRM and xRM offerings are driving worldwide customer and partner success,” said Brad Wilson, general manager of Microsoft Dynamics CRM. “Today, hundreds of Microsoft Dynamics CRM customers are building thousands of xRM applications. We’ve built significant alliances within and across Microsoft to capitalize on these high-growth opportunities, and we’re ready to drive value for our next million customers.”

The new sales and marketing programs for xRM help Microsoft partners utilize Microsoft Dynamics to create new types of solutions for their customers. Organizations such as the Leicester City Football Club, a professional sports organization based in the United Kingdom, have used xRM to develop its Player Management application, a solution for managing players, training schedules, diet and wellness programs, and injury prevention analysis.

“One big area of concern for a football club is the players, and people come to matches because they want to see good football,” said Lee Hoos, chief executive of the Leicester City Football Club. “In the interest of our fans and our players, we’ve used the Microsoft Dynamics CRM platform to build applications that help flag warning signs by player to help them avoid preventable injuries. The flexibility of Microsoft Dynamics CRM has been invaluable to our business in many ways.”

Additional customers driving impact and savings from their use of xRM include these:

Pennsylvania Office of Attorney General has developed more than 12 applications with xRM, including Citizen Service Help Desk, Task Force Management and Coroner Management, and has cut solution development time by 75 percent.

Ensto, a manufacturer from Finland, has developed Supplier Relationship Management and Quality Management applications using xRM, generating savings of $138,000 (U.S.) for each solution built using the xRM capability.

CAPTRUST Financial Advisors, a U.S.-based financial services company, has developed 20 applications with xRM and estimates savings of 24 full-time administrative employees each year by automating key business processes and operations.

Microsoft partners also are seeing measureable impact from the xRM platform capability — from their ability to deliver innovative new solutions for clients to their bottom line.

“Using Microsoft Dynamics CRM as a rapid business application development platform has created tremendous opportunity for Ascentium,” said Mark Barrett, managing partner at Ascentium, the Partner of the Year for Microsoft Dynamics CRM. “Almost 70 percent of our customers use Microsoft Dynamics CRM as a line-of-business application or xRM.”

“Infinity Info Systems doubled the size of our Microsoft Dynamics CRM practice in the past year, largely due to our team expertise combined with the flexibility and power of xRM,” said Yacov Wrocherinsky, president and CEO, Infinity Info Systems. “xRM provides the enterprise-class security features, scalability and flexibility that our clients require, and allows us to build applications that deliver industry expertise and business value.”

About Microsoft Dynamics

Microsoft Dynamics is a line of adaptable, easy-to-use ERP and CRM applications that enable business decision-makers to run their business efficiently and drive business success. Delivered through a network of channel partners providing specialized services, these integrated, adaptable business management solutions work like and with familiar Microsoft software to streamline processes across an entire business.

About Microsoft

Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT”) is the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential.
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Le 21/09/2009 à 14:14
Microsoft Dynamics CRM est l'outil idéal pour travailler à 360° sur ses clients.

Ne connaissant pas du tout le logiciel à l'époque, je suis entré dans une société d'informatique il y a un peu plus de trois ans au poste d'analyse et de développements autour de CRM 1.2 puis 3.0 et enfin aujourd'hui la version 4.0 ainsi que Sharepoint Portal Server et version gratuites (serveur 2003) Windows Sharepoint Services.

Les possibilités de gestion et de rapport sont immenses et quasi infinies. Il est possible de résoudre beaucoup de problématiques via le CRM de Microsoft, qui a d'abord été conçu dans l'optique de ne pas perdre l'utilisateur de son environnement de travail par défaut (Outlook par exemple).

Si vous avez des questions, vous pouvez toujours me questionner et je tâcherai d'y répondre dans la limite de mes connaissances.

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