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ERP : Microsoft veux faire migrer les utilisateurs du logiciel Sage vers Microsoft Dynamics enterprise resource planning

Le , par Pierre Louis Chevalier


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ERP : Microsoft veux faire migrer les utilisateurs du logiciel Sage vers Microsoft Dynamics enterprise resource planning

REDMOND, Wash. — July 21, 2009 — Microsoft Corp. today invites customers and partners concerned with the stability of the Sage Software Inc. channel to consider available alternatives from Microsoft, including Microsoft Dynamics enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions. On July 6, MIS Group, Sage’s largest partner in 2007 and 2008, suddenly closed its doors.

“Microsoft Dynamics offers innovative products and strong return on investment, which is exactly what customers and partners are looking for — especially when questions have arisen about Sage’s ability to deliver ongoing innovation and investment in its ERP portfolio and remain competitive in this marketplace,” said Crispin Read, general manager for Microsoft Dynamics ERP.”

Migration Program for Sage Customers

Microsoft is helping companies move more easily from outdated business applications to Microsoft’s modern ERP solutions, through a set of competitively focused offerings in the United States. Since May 2009, qualified partners have been able to extend to their customers an offer to move to a Microsoft Dynamics ERP solution with a 50 percent discount on licensing and receive a rebate equal to 25 percent of the suggested retail price of the Microsoft Dynamics solution (up to a maximum of $25,000) to help offset the costs of switching from Sage MAS 90 or MAS 200. This offer continues to be available today for qualified Sage customers.

CTS Cement Manufacturing Corp. is a manufacturer with more than $55 million in annual revenue; it chose Microsoft Dynamics ERP over Sage MAS 90 to improve its bottom line. “We needed a system that would align with the third-party solutions that are out there so that we can take advantage of those add-ons rather than having to build them from the ground up,” said Fred McKay, chief financial officer for CTS Cement. “Microsoft Dynamics ERP gives us the flexibility to do things that our MAS 90 package couldn’t do. It has a lot of potential that we can tap into as we continue to grow.”

Read said, “At Microsoft, we passionately believe customers deserve software that will make their lives easier and help make them more productive every day. The ERP midmarket includes hundreds of accounting and ERP applications from vendors with uncertain product road maps and little or no ongoing investment. I am delighted each time a customer migrates to Microsoft Dynamics ERP.”

Microsoft Offers Safe Harbor to Sage Partners

Doug Kennedy, vice president of the Microsoft Dynamics Partners team, is actively recruiting new resellers and ISV partners to further expand the Microsoft Dynamics ERP channel. “In times of economic turbulence, customers have high expectations of their ERP providers, demanding innovation, investment and long-term financial stability,” Kennedy said. “There has never been a better time to join the Microsoft Dynamics community.”

The Microsoft Dynamics partner ecosystem is unique and an integral part of the Microsoft Dynamics business, with thousands of partners that range from well-known systems integrators to companies that serve the needs of microverticals. Microsoft Dynamics is 100 percent focused on selling through partners and consequently has deep focus on partners’ success and profitability. Further, Microsoft is distinctive in its ability to invest in R&D, both in core ERP and customer relationship management (CRM) products, as well as in the more than $9 billion of R&D investment taking place across Microsoft in areas such as Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft SharePoint Server and Microsoft Office.

“Microsoft Dynamics ERP solutions allow us to offer a deeper product line to our clients. Many of the features that come standard with Microsoft Dynamics ERP are third-party add-ons with other systems, and those innovations have allowed us to grow our business by increasing our ability to work with a broader base of larger-sized clients,” said Bob Scott, executive vice president of Business Accounting Systems at Nims & Associates. “Furthermore, integration with technology like Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Server Reporting Services and Microsoft SharePoint ensures that our customers’ software investment will be able to scale up with their businesses as they grow.”

Sage customers and partners — or current customers and partners of any outdated ERP solutions — who are concerned about the viability of their vendor or partner or the investment being made in their business application are invited to contact Microsoft and discuss their options. More information is available at or by calling (888) 477-7989.

About Microsoft Dynamics

Microsoft Dynamics is a line of financial, customer relationship and supply chain management solutions that helps businesses work more effectively. Delivered through a network of channel partners providing specialized services, these integrated, adaptable business management solutions work like and with familiar Microsoft software to streamline processes across an entire business.

About Microsoft

Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT”) is the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential.
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